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St Josephs Tyrella

News - Charity

7th Jun 2024
Mrs Boyd's class enjoyed a wonderful end of term trip to the beautiful Castlewellan...
11th Dec 2023
A massive big thanks to all our parents and children for their donations for fountain...
27th Oct 2023
The School Council break the rules day has been a great success. Thank you to all...

2022/2023 School Year

14th Dec 2022
A big thankyou to everyone for their foodbank donations. Anne from Fountain foodbank...

2019/2020 School Year

3rd Dec 2019
Throughout the month of November we were blown away by the donations we received...
27th Sep 2019
On Friday we hosted our annual McMillan Coffee Morning. We would like to thanks all...

2018/2019 School Year

17th Apr 2019
Today we held our Easter fayre in aid of Trocaire.  With games, buns, raffles...
14th Feb 2019
Today we had a "Red Day" in aid of HCPT, a charity which provides a pilgrimage to...
13th Nov 2018
Well done to all the children and parents who generously donated to our shoebox appeal...

2017/2018 School Year

19th Mar 2018
Well Done to the P6/7 children who organised a bring and buy sale in aid of Trocaire. ...