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St Josephs Tyrella

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Inspection Report



In line with the requirements of the Northern Ireland Education Reform Order 1989, it is the policy of the Board of Governors to:

  • Maintain the right to free school education for all pupils.
  • Establish that activities organised wholly or mainly during school time should be available to all pupils.
  • Require parents to pay charges for board and lodgings for their children on residential trips, taking account of any relevant remission arrangements.
  • Confirm its right to invite voluntary contributions for the benefit of the school or in support of activities organised by the school.
  • Make charges in respect of optional extras, as determined by the Board of Governors.


Admissions Criteria

Cross-Community Playgroup
  1. Children from socially disadvantaged circumstances in their final pre-school year.
  2. Children not from socially disadvantaged circumstances (as defined above) who are in their final pre-school year.
  3. In the event of over subscribing within either of the above criteria, the following supplementary criterion will be applied:
  • Children who live within a 5-mile radius of Tyrella Cross-Community Playgroup.
  • Children who are attending Tyrella Cross-Community Playgroup in a fee-paying capacity the previous year.
  • Other children.
Primary 1
  1. Children of compulsory school age who reside in the Parish.
  2. Children of compulsory school age who reside in other areas.
  3. In the event of over subscribing within either of the above criteria, the following supplementary criterion will be applied:
  • Preference will be given to children on the basis of proximity of the child’s home to the school as measured by walking distance by road.
  • Applications for admission to P1 after the beginning of the school year.


Primary 2 - Primary 7

Criteria as above.

Click here to apply
for pre-school and
primary school places

The School is not responsible for the content of external Internet sites. We recommend adult supervision for all links to external sites.


Any questions? Contact us at:

Tel: 02844 851600
