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St Josephs Tyrella

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Learning Support Programme

Some pupils may experience difficulty in learning for various reasons.

Our learning support programme has been set up to address the needs of children who are experiencing difficulty.


  • Parental involvement is vital.
  • We liaise closely with school psychologist who will assist and advise when requested.
  • The learning support programme provides individual and small group sessions from year 2-7.
  • Individual Education Plans are prepared and shared with parents and pupils.
  • Support is given in both Literacy and Numeracy.
  • Emotional Health & Well-Being concerns are also addressed for pupils identified as requiring support.

Mrs Loughran provide Literacy, Numeracy and Emotional Health & Well-Being support for target pupils from year 2-7.

Mrs Boyd provides support to those pupils identified with specific Literacy needs.

The learning support programmes are tailored to pupil needs and give our children opportunities to progress in key areas of learning.

In addition , our pupils benefit from specialist SEND support from the Education Authority through weekly individual sessions with Literacy support teachers.

At St Joseph's , we are delighted to provide such an extensive learning support programme to our pupils.