Sports Day

Sports’ day.
Well it had to happen… after 10 glorious years of sports day sunshine weather, barbeques and sun tan lotion, the school’s luck finally ran out and the weather gods did not smile on our wee school. As a result sports day was held on a very damp Monday morning in the hall. The rain may have been pouring down outside but this did nothing to dampen the spirits of the finest athletes assembled in St Josephs since….. last year. The pupils gathered on the benches nervously awaiting their race and their opportunity to enterSt Joseph’s sporting folklore. Could they write their names up there with the greats of the past? John Shields,IndiaSwanson and Peter Mc Mullan. Could they join the immortals?
All the talk was of the sprints. Who would win, what distance was the race over and was it possible to stop before the kitchen wall! All these questions were quickly answered as the children raced in front of an enthusiastic sell out crowd.
A highlight of the event was the P1 sprint relay which included the magical spinning around of the cone. Unintentional….. maybe, humorous…….definitely.
After the sprints there was a welcome break for Ice cream as the children prepared for some of the blue ribbon events.
The egg and spoon and sack races where keenly contested and it is reported that no eggs where harmed in the racing during the day. The races where of such a high standard that it was hard to ascertain who had crossed the line first. One parent was heard to have gasped that this was the finest egg and spoon racing that she had ever witnessed. Rumours that the racing was televised live on Eurosport have since been quashed.
The morning was finished off with obstacle courses which would have put many military training exercises to shame. All in all it was a tough day of sport with the clear winner being.........St.Joseph's Primary School.
St Joseph's Primary School, 24 Tyrella Road, Downpatrick, County Down, BT30 8DF | T:028 44851600