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St Josephs Tyrella

Calling Volunteers!!!

14th May 2021

Important Notice For Everyone in the Community / Parish …...


There has been an announcement in the bulletin the last few weeks for new parish volunteers.  To date we have had no one step forward.  Now coming out of lockdown and with the churches reopened, we need even more volunteers.  We are very grateful to those who have been there to read and count and clean and sing in years past, but these volunteers have been involved for years and it is time for some new faces.  The church is not the same with just a parish priest saying mass.  Readers telling us the stories from the bibles and eucharist ministers add faces welcoming us all to mass whenever we attend.  And God willing we will have singing in the church again soon! We want the parish here for years to come to celebrate our first communions, confirmations, baptisms, and weddings; however we only get out of it what we put in.  Reading and Eucharist Minister take place during mass while we attend, so no additional time is required.  Counting can happen in the evening or mornings, it can be arranged during a time that suits our volunteers, and usually only takes an hour every few weeks.  Covid volunteers (ushers & track & trace) would only be required when the church opens 15 minutes prior to mass. We are asking pretty please, with a cherry on top even,  for people to make just a little time for our church.  We understand that a lot of people are still being quite cautious in our current covid climate, but please get in contact if you would be willing to help out in the future.  Thank you for your consideration!