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St Josephs Tyrella

Home Learning

Wed 22nd April 2020

Good morning everyone!!!

Hope you are all smiling and giving Mrs Boyd a big "thumbs up".

Today I want you to use your log in details that you have and go on to the "Junior News Desk".

Scroll down to the Bubble Painting Activity, have a go >

Now do not panic if you are having difficulty getting on....I will send you details of activity below.

Bubble Painting Activity-:

You will need:

A tray or bowl to fit your paper over


Washing up liquid

Drinking straw



Mix together the paint and some washing up liquid in the tray

Add some water until it is runny enough to blow bubbles.

Use drinking straw to blow into the paint to make bubbles.

Gently place the paper on top of the bubbles.

When the bubbles pop remove the paper and leave to dry.

Please send me a picture to

or you can ask mum or dad to upload it onto the junior news desk.

Cant wait to see them....Have fun. 

Mrs Boyd.





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