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St Josephs Tyrella

Home Learning

Mon 20th April 2020

Hi Boys & Girls !!

Great to have you back !!! Hope you all had a fab Easter and ate lots of chocolate eggs!! We are missing you all so much that we made a video over the holidays to welcome you back . Hope you have viewed it on the news section.

Today I've got a puzzle for you ….. can you work out what I was busy doing in school today !!! Look at the photo closely and see if you can work it out!!!

That's just a bit of fun for you …. now to our task …. its fun too!!!!

I'd like you to make some dough! You have to follow my recipe below and you can spend this week getting it done. Mum will need to help you. After you have it made , make something with it …. your choice and send me a photo to my email address. Get creative and have fun!!

Here's the recipe …..


2 cups of plain flour , 1/2 cup of salt, 5 tablespoons of cooking oil, 2 table spoons of cream of tartar, 2 cups of boiling water, 1 teaspoon of food colouring.


Add dry ingredients to a non-stick saucepan & mix,

Pour the oil & food colouring in,

Carefully get mum to pour the boiling water in,

Turn on the hob to low & mix until dough is formed - get mum to help!!!

Take the dough out of the pan & leave to cool,

Roll the dough ( add oil if sticky) and knead.

Now get playing !!! Have fun!!!

Mrs McM xx






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