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St Josephs Tyrella

Home Learning

Fri 12th June 2020

Happy Friday Everyone !!

Today try some of these activities:

1. Literacy : Go to C2k Newsdesk . Click on Junior Newsdesk at the top . Click "Newsbank" and open The article        " Alfie Builds His Very Own Den" …. it's not our Alfie !!! Read the report and watch the video. Give it a "like" if you enjoyed it and add a comment . Talk about making a den either in your house or in the garden and have a go this weekend ! Send me a photo on email and I will put all your photos up on our website next week .

Don't forget to do your Friday Spelling check up and read for 20-30 minutes.

2. Numeracy: Practice 2s and 5s times tables . Get mum to ask you them … quick recall .

                 Make a paper clock & practice o'clock , 1/2 past , 1/4 past and 1/4 to times.

3. World Around Us : On Newsdesk , go to News On Videos . Watch " Five Fun Summer Activities" . Give the video a like and comment and maybe you could try 1 of the activities at home !!!

Have a great weekend !! Mrs Mc M xxx



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