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St Josephs Tyrella

Home Learning

Fri 29th May 2020

Boys and girls,

The Nerve Centre have been in touch and they have a task for you! I have copied the email they sent me today, if you have any questions please get in touch!

Little Inventors: Making Space

The challenge is simply for pupils to come up with an Invention that would help Humanity Live Work and Play in Space.

What would make it easier to live in the International Space Station?
How could you pass the time on a year long trip to Mars?
What inventions might assist you living on a Martian colony?

This is not about simply designing Rockets…this is about day to day life in Space.

What could pupils dream up that could make that easier for anyone finding themselves…. Out There….

Materials Enclosed are:

A Video animation setting out the challenge
A PDF of the Invention design Sheet.


Your Pupils are now masters in the art of Invention. They should simply draw their design in the Invention Design sheet as they did in class.

Things to remember:

Make the design as big as possible within the drawing area.
Use Colour if appropriate
Use a Black pen or felt tip to show
Annotate the drawing to identify what everything does
Write a description in the text area to fully describe what it does
Don’t forget to give your Invention a Name!
Don’t forget to put your name and school onto the sheet

Next steps:

If Pupils could send their designs initially to their teacher.

We will be choosing some more of the designs from this challenge to fabricate into real life prototypes.

Deadline for Entries:

We need to get all designs for Little Inventors: Making Space by Friday 3rd June.

We are looking forward to seeing what the Pupils can dream up….we are sure that they will be Out Of This World….

Good luck boys and girls - can't wait to see what you come up with!

Design Sheet.pdf Download


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