P1 Summer Fun
18th Jun 2013

Our end of year topics in Year 1 have been Boats & Summer. The children have been following a very busy programme of work which has allowed them to develop their knowledge and skills through a variety of play experiences including :
- Pirate Ship area,
- SeasideShop
- Design & Model Making of a boat
- Programming a robot to find boats
- Imaginative play
- Painting tasks
- Floating / Sinking tasks
- Sand play
- Use of word processing packages to write about summer
- Dressing Up
- Topic book corner
Through our World around Us work we have learnt about The Titanic , Summer facts, Seasonal changes , Plants & Animals in Summer and The seaside now / long ago. The children have read lots of topic books – both fiction and non-fiction and have learnt some fun songs !
The children are going on a trip toNewcastleto have fun by the sea at the end of term.
St Joseph's Primary School, 24 Tyrella Road, Downpatrick, County Down, BT30 8DF | T:028 44851600